Discount code

Best Available Rate! 11% discount you get by entering the discount code EALOYALTY. Not applicable to special offers.

Map and directions

Easy accessibility of the hotel is guaranteed by the close proximity to public transport. Bus stop Malešická (bus No. 133, 146 and 155) is located 20 meters from the hotel.

From metro line A (green)

  • Get off at the station Želivského and take bus No. 155 which takes you to the station Malešická. The hotel is just 20 meters away.

The metro line C (red)

  • Get off at the station Florenc and change for the bus. No. 133, which takes you to the station Malešická. The hotel is just 20 meters away.

From the airport Vaclav Havel in Prague

  • Take bus No. 119 to stop Nádraží Veleslavín and change formetro line A (green), direction Nádraží Hostivař. Get off at the station Želivského and take bus No. 155 which takes you to the station Malešická. The hotel is just 20 meters away.

From Hlavní nádraží (Central Railway Station)

  • Take Metro line C (red), direction to Letňany. Get off atFlorenc station and change to bus No. 133, which takes you to the station Malešická. The hotel is just 20 meters away.

From Train Station Holešovice

  • Take metro line C (red), direction Háje. Get off at thestation Florenc and change for the bus. No. 133, which takes you to the station Malešická. The hotel is just 20 meters away.

Map and hotel surroundings

Extended map help you to get to hotel and from hotel to some other spots.

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